Exercice anglais 📝 | Les préfixes under et sub

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Les préfixes under et sub

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit Ă  faire en ligne avec son corrigĂ©, pour s’entraĂ®ner en classe ou Ă  la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’amĂ©liorer votre maĂ®trise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigĂ©s pour un entraĂ®nement sans besoin d’aide (Les rĂ©ponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases avec des mots utilisant les préfixes under- ou sub-. Utilisez les indices pour vous aider:

Ex: Tom keeps his shoes under his bed. Sally travelled on the subway to school.

1. Coal can be found _____________. (deep in the ground)

2. A ____________ can travel below the sea’s surface. (a ship that travels under the sea)

3. I will ____________ the orange so you each get a piece. (divide evenly)

4. It is better to ____________ than overeat. (eat less)

5. We could see the sausages were ____________ because they were pink. (not cooked enough)

6. Colour the ____________ in red to make them stand out. (the less important headings)

7. Dive into the pool and stay ____________ for four seconds. (beneath the water)

8. Rob complained he was ____________ for cleaning the car. (not paid enough)


1. Coal can be found underground.
2. A submarine can travel below the sea’s surface.
3. I will subdivide the orange so you each get a piece.
4. It is better to under-eat than overeat.
5. We could see the sausages were undercooked because they were pink.
6. Colour the subheadings in red to make them stand out.
7. Dive into the pool and stay submerged for four seconds.
8. Rob complained he was underpaid for cleaning the car.


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