Exercice passif anglais

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Ecrire les phrases au passif en utilisant le present perfect (has/have been + part. passé):

Exemple: that castle / visit → that castle has been visited.

  1. the work / do → 
  2. the truth / tell → 
  3. the dog / bite / not → 
  4. the cure / find →
  5. the chapter / study →
  6. the thieves / arrest / not → 
  7. the bag / lose → 
  8. the houses / repair → 
  9. the tee-shirt / wear → 
  10. the date / decide / not → 

  1. The work has been done.
  2. The truth has been told.
  3. The dog has not been bitten.
  4. The cure has been found.
  5. The chapter has been studied.
  6. The thieves have not been arrested.
  7. The bag has been lost.
  8. The houses have been repaired.
  9. The tee-shirt has been worn.
  10. The date has not been decided.

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