Les pronoms personnels – Exercice anglais gratuit

Les pronoms personnels – Exercice anglais gratuit

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Utilisez les bons pronoms personnels. Regardez le mot entre parenthèse.

Exemple:  often reads books. (Tina) → She often reads books.

  1.  is locked. (the door)
  2.  is a difficult language. (Japanese)
  3.  like to play baseball. (Me)
  4.  has a nice shirt. (the teacher)
  5.  is a beautiful girl. (Mary)
  6.  is blue. (the sky)
  7.  are on the table. (the keys)
  8.  is working very hard. (the nurse)
  9. Do  like her? (your aunt)
  10.  are watching a movie. (my father and I)
  11.  are in the garden. (the flowers)
  12.  are hungry. (my dogs)
  13.  live together. (my girlfriend and I)
  14. Does  know what happened? (your mum)
  15.  is walking outside. (Kevin)
  16.  is from Germany. (Tina)
  17.  has two brothers. (Sarah)
  18. Have  got a car, Tommy?
  19.  is reading a magazine. (Linda)
  20.  are dirty. (Tina`s shoes)
  21.  is broken. (the TV)
  22.  go to work by bus. (Kevin and Tina)
  23.  go to the cinema tonight. (my friend and I)
  24.  is my friend. (the boy)
  25. Am  going to the party tonight? (me)

  1. It is locked. (the door)
  2. It is a difficult language. (Japanese)
  3. I like to play baseball. (Me)
  4. He has a nice shirt. (the teacher)
  5. She is a beautiful girl. (Mary)
  6. It is blue. (the sky)
  7. They are on the table. (the keys)
  8. She is working very hard. (the nurse)
  9. Do you like her? (your aunt)
  10. We are watching a movie. (my father and I)
  11. They are in the garden. (the flowers)
  12. They are hungry. (my dogs)
  13. We live together. (my girlfriend and I)
  14. Does she know what happened? (your mum)
  15. He is walking outside. (Kevin)
  16. She is from Germany. (Tina)
  17. She has two brothers. (Sarah)
  18. Have you got a car, Tommy?
  19. She is reading a magazine. (Linda)
  20. They are dirty. (Tina`s shoes)
  21. It is broken. (the TV)
  22. We go to work by bus. (Kevin and Tina)
  23. We go to the cinema tonight. (my friend and I)
  24. He is my friend. (the boy)
  25. Am I going to the party tonight? (me)

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