Exercice anglais: les pronoms indéfinis ok

Exercice anglais: les pronoms indéfinis 

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Choisissez la réponse correcte:

  1. I’ve heard . I must be deaf.
  2.  can control us !
  3. ‘s saying that she was drunk last night, but I know it’s a lie.
  4. Is  OK?
  5. She didn’t visit  this week-end, she just stayed at home.
  6. Is there  wrong with my hair?
  7. Take  you want. It’s free.
  8. Did you see  there?
  9. I have  but admiration for people who can speak several languages.
  10. Don’t worry, I’ll find  else to look after my dog.
  11. I heard a noise but there was  there.
  12. She hardly ate  for dinner.
  13.  likes her because she’s very kind.
  14. When he spoke,  became silent.
  15. When we travel, we always want to try  new to eat.


  1. I’ve heard nothing. I must be deaf.
  2. Nobody can control us !
  3. Everybody’s saying that she was drunk last night, but I know it’s a lie.
  4. Is everything OK?
  5. She didn’t visit anybody this week-end, she just stayed at home.
  6. Is there something wrong with my hair?
  7. Take anything you want. It’s free.
  8. Did you see anybody there?
  9. I have nothing but admiration for people who can speak several languages.
  10. Don’t worry, I’ll find somebody else to look after my dog.
  11. I heard a noise but there was nobody there.
  12. She hardly ate anything for dinner.
  13. Everybody likes her because she’s very kind.
  14. When he spoke, everybody became silent.
  15. When we travel, we always want to try something new to eat.

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