Vocabulaire politique anglais – Exercice

Vocabulaire politique anglais – Exercice

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez les phrases avec les mots suivants :

liberal   |  left-wing   |  extreme  |  patriotic   |  right   |  politically aware

1. My Dad gets very upset if I say anything negative about Britain. He’s very  .

2. She’s got some very  views. She thinks all immigration should be stopped.

3. My parents didn’t mind when Dave and I said we were going to live together. They’ve got quite   views on most things.

4. Students tend to be more  than most other sections of the community. Like most young people, they’re usually fairly .  As they get older, they move more to the  !

  1. patriotic
  2. extreme
  3. liberal
  4. politically aware, left-wing, right

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