comparatif en anglais pdf


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Dans ces phrases comparatives, transformez le pronom en verbe ‘to be’ ou en auxiliaire pour les rendre plus formelles. 

Exemple: Tom is taller than him. → Tom is taller than he is.

1 – She does less housework than me.

→ She does less housework than .

2 – We did more homework than them.

→ We did more homework than .

3 – I cannot speak English as well as you.

→ I cannot speak English as well as .

4 – Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than us.

→ Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than .

5 – I have not got as much money as her.

→ I have not got as much money as .

6 – Tina is happier than her.

→ Tina is happier than .

7 – My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as them.

→ My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as .

8 – They are not as good at baseball as us.

→ They are not as good at baseball as .

9 – I am faster than him at running.

→ I am faster than  at running.

10 – My father does not drink as much as him.

→ My father does not drink as much as .

  1. She does less housework than I do.
  2. We did more homework than they did.
  3. I cannot speak English as well as you do.
  4. Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than we did.
  5. I have not got as much money as she has.
  6. Tina is happier than she is.
  7. My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as they are.
  8. They are not as good at baseball as we are.
  9. I am faster than he is at running.
  10. My father does not drink as much as he does.

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