Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.
En combinant les mots en gras de la première phrase, formez un adjectif composé que vous utiliserez dans la deuxième phrase.
N’oubliez pas de rajouter un tiret entre les mots qui le compose:
Ex: work eight hours every day → I work an eight-hour day
- This vehicle is moving slowly. This is a slow-moving vehicle.
- This drink is as cold as ice. This is an ice-cold drink.
- This cat is one years old. This is a one-year-old cat.
- This woman has a high level of education. This is a higly-educated woman.
- This movie lasts two hours. This is a two-hour movie.
- This campaign has been organized well. This is a well-organized campaign.
- This opera singer is famous all over the world. This is a world-famous opera singer.
- This sandwich is six inches long. This is a six-inch sandwich.
- This diet is free of meat. This is a meat-free diet.
- This motorcycle has been cared for very well. This is a well-cared-for motorcycle.