A, AN, the
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Choisissez entre a, an, the ou rien:
1. I need paper. (le matériaux)
2. I need paper. (le magazine)
3. Sorry! I broke glass. (un verre pour boire)
4. The windows are made of glass (le matériaux)
5. This new car is made of plastic .
6. The worker put brick into the truck.
7. We don’t like coffee sold at Starbucks.
8. I like olive oil you have bought for me.
9. There was a lot of rain last summer.
10. coffee is served very hot in Italy.
11. There is more water in the lake than there was week ago.
12. water of the Atlantic Sea is usually cold.
13. In Japan many houses are made of wood.
14. olive oil is produced in Spain.
15. My favorite kind of food is rice.