Exercice comparatif anglais 5ème (+PDF)

Exercice comparatif anglais 5ème (+PDF)

Exercice d’anglais avec son corrigé gratuit et à faire en ligne, pour les collégiens en classe de 5ème.

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Complétez chaque phrase avec la forme comparative de l’adjectif entre parenthèses:

1. My house is (big) than yours.

2. She is (tall) than her brother.

3. This problem is (easy) than the last one.

4. Today is (hot) than yesterday.

5. I think cats are (intelligent) than dogs.

6. His car is (fast) than mine.

7. This book is (interesting) than the movie.

8. He feels (good) today than he did yesterday.

9. The test was   (difficult) than I expected.

10. My sister is (young) than me.


  1. My house is bigger than yours.
  2. She is taller than her brother.
  3. This problem is easier than the last one.
  4. Today is hotter than yesterday.
  5. I think cats are more intelligent than dogs.
  6. His car is faster than mine.
  7. This book is more interesting than the movie.
  8. He feels better today than he did yesterday.
  9. The test was more difficult than I expected.
  10. My sister is younger than me.


➡️ Exercice suivant : 



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