Exercice 4ème anglais | le Comparatif

Exercice 4ème anglais | le Comparatif

Exercice gratuit avec son corrigé à faire en ligne.

Complète chaque phrase en utilisant la forme comparative de l’adjectif entre parenthèses.

1. This book is (interesting) than the one I read last week.

2. My sister is (tall) than me.

3. This problem is (easy) than the previous one.

4. Today is (cold) than yesterday.

5. Her bag is (heavy) than mine.

6. He is (friendly) than his brother.

7. This exercise is (difficult) than I expected.

8. She sings (well) than anyone else in the class.

9. My dog is (old) than my cat.

10. The new movie is (exciting) than the last one.


  1. This book is more interesting than the one I read last week.
  2. My sister is taller than me.
  3. This problem is easier than the previous one.
  4. Today is colder than yesterday.
  5. Her bag is heavier than mine.
  6. He is friendlier than his brother.
  7. This exercise is more difficult than I expected.
  8. She sings better than anyone else in the class.
  9. My dog is older than my cat.
  10. The new movie is more exciting than the last one.


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