Contrôle d’anglais niveau 6ème (en ligne)

Contrôle d’anglais niveau 6ème

Contrôle d’anglais avec trois exercices à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

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Contrôle d’Anglais : Vocabulaire Divers (Niveau 6ème)

Nom : ___________________ Date : ___________________

Partie 1 : Complétez les Phrases

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le mot correct parmi les choix donnés : dog, book, apple, car, run, teacher, kitchen, rain, sun, music.

  1. I have a pet . It likes to play fetch.
  2. She reads a every night before bed.
  3. He eats an for a snack.
  4. My dad drives a red .
  5. We like to in the park.
  6. The is explaining the lesson.
  7. The food is prepared in the .
  8. It is going to tomorrow.
  9. The is shining brightly today.
  10. She loves to listen to while studying.

  1. I have a pet dog. It likes to play fetch.
  2. She reads a book every night before bed.
  3. He eats an apple for a snack.
  4. My dad drives a red car.
  5. We like to run in the park.
  6. The teacher is explaining the lesson.
  7. The food is prepared in the kitchen.
  8. It is going to rain tomorrow.
  9. The sun is shining brightly today.
  10. She loves to listen to music while studying.

Partie 2 : Trouvez le Mot Correct

Choisissez le mot correct pour compléter chaque phrase parmi les choix donnés : tree, cake, library, swim, breakfast, computer, window, bed, flower, train.

  1. There is a big in our garden.
  2. She baked a delicious for my birthday.
  3. We borrow books from the .
  4. They in the pool every summer.
  5. I have toast for every morning.
  6. He works on his for school projects.
  7. Please open the to let in fresh air.
  8. He goes to sleep in his at night.
  9. There is a beautiful in the vase.
  10. We took the to visit our grandparents.

  1. There is a big tree in our garden.
  2. She baked a delicious cake for my birthday.
  3. We borrow books from the library.
  4. They swim in the pool every summer.
  5. I have toast for breakfast every morning.
  6. He works on his computer for school projects.
  7. Please open the window to let in fresh air.
  8. He goes to sleep in his bed at night.
  9. There is a beautiful flower in the vase.
  10. We took the train to visit our grandparents.

Partie 3 : Traduction de Mots

Traduisez les mots suivants en anglais.

  1. Chat →
  2. École →
  3. Maison →
  4. Livre →
  5. Chanson →

  1. Cat
  2. School
  3. House
  4. Book
  5. Song

Partie 4 : Choisissez le Mot Correct (Vrai/Faux)

Indiquez si la traduction donnée est vraie ou fausse.

  1. Dog – Chien → 
  1. Car – Chat → 
  1. Sun – Lune → 
  1. Apple – Pomme → 
  1. Music – Musique → 

  1. Vrai
  2. Faux
  3. Faux
  4. Vrai
  5. Vrai

Note finale : __________ / 30

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