Exercice prétérit anglais (4ème)

Exercice sur le prétérit en anglais pour les 4ème

Exercice gratuit avec son corrigé à faire en ligne.

Complète chaque phrase avec le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit.

1. Yesterday, I (go) to the market.

2. She (not/eat) her breakfast this morning.

3. Last week, they (visit) their grandparents.

4. We (watch) a very interesting movie last night.

5. He (finish) his homework before dinner.

6. They (not/play) soccer yesterday because it rained.

7. When I was a child, I (have) a red bicycle.

8. She (meet) her friend at the café two days ago.

9. My parents (buy) a new car last month.

10. I (see) a beautiful rainbow after the storm.



  1. Yesterday, I went to the market.
  2. She did not eat her breakfast this morning.
  3. Last week, they visited their grandparents.
  4. We watched a very interesting movie last night.
  5. He finished his homework before dinner.
  6. They did not play soccer yesterday because it rained.
  7. When I was a child, I had a red bicycle.
  8. She met her friend at the café two days ago.
  9. My parents bought a new car last month.
  10. I saw a beautiful rainbow after the storm.


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