Révisions anglais 5ème can / can’t / must / mustn’t

Révisions anglais 5ème can / can’t / must / mustn’t

Exercice d’anglais avec son corrigé gratuit et à faire en ligne, pour les collégiens en classe de 5ème.

Complétez chaque phrase avec « can », « can’t », « must » ou « mustn’t ».

1. You   finish your homework before you go out to play.

2. He   swim very well; he needs more practice.

3. We   be quiet in the library.

4. She   come to the party because she is not feeling well.

5. You   touch the exhibits in the museum.

6. I   see the board from the back of the classroom.

7. They   bring their own lunch to the picnic.

8. You   forget to bring your passport when you travel.

9. She   speak three languages fluently.

10. We   leave our bags unattended in the airport.



  1. You must finish your homework before you go out to play.
  2. He can’t swim very well; he needs more practice.
  3. We must be quiet in the library.
  4. She can’t come to the party because she is not feeling well.
  5. You mustn’t touch the exhibits in the museum.
  6. I can’t see the board from the back of the classroom.
  7. They must bring their own lunch to the picnic.
  8. You mustn’t forget to bring your passport when you travel.
  9. She can speak three languages fluently.
  10. We mustn’t leave our bags unattended in the airport.


➡️ Exercice suivant : 



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