Révision anglais 5ème – le prétérit

Révision anglais 5ème – le prétérit

Exercice d’anglais avec son corrigé gratuit et à faire en ligne, pour les collégiens en classe de 5ème.

Complétez chaque phrase avec la forme correcte du verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit:

  1. She (go) to the zoo last weekend.
  2. They (eat) dinner at a fancy restaurant yesterday.
  3. He (see) a shooting star last night.
  4. We (visit) our grandparents during the summer holiday.
  5. I (make) a new friend at the park.
  6. My brother (take) his driving test last month.
  7. The children (play) in the garden all afternoon.
  8. She (find) a lost puppy on her way home.
  9. We (have) a picnic by the lake last Saturday.
  10. He (read) an interesting article in the newspaper.

  1. She (go) went to the zoo last weekend.
  2. They (eat) ate dinner at a fancy restaurant yesterday.
  3. He (see) saw a shooting star last night.
  4. We (visit) visited our grandparents during the summer holiday.
  5. I (make) made a new friend at the park.
  6. My brother (take) took his driving test last month.
  7. The children (play) played in the garden all afternoon.
  8. She (find) found a lost puppy on her way home.
  9. We (have) had a picnic by the lake last Saturday.
  10. He (read) read an interesting article in the newspaper.


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