Exercice anglais 5ème should / shouldn’t

Exercice anglais 5ème should / shouldn’t

Exercice d’anglais avec son corrigé gratuit et à faire en ligne, pour les collégiens en classe de 5ème.

Complétez chaque phrase avec « should » ou « shouldn’t »:

  1. 1. You   eat so much junk food. It’s not healthy.
  2. He   study harder if he wants to pass his exams.
  3. We   go to bed late on school nights.
  4. She   wear a coat because it’s very cold outside.
  5. They   speak loudly in the library.
  6. You   drink water regularly to stay hydrated.
  7. We   forget to thank our hosts for the dinner.
  8. I   spend too much time on my phone.
  9. He   take an umbrella. It looks like it might rain.
  10. You   always be kind to others.


  1. You shouldn’t eat so much junk food. It’s not healthy.
  2. He should study harder if he wants to pass his exams.
  3. We shouldn’t go to bed late on school nights.
  4. She should wear a coat because it’s very cold outside.
  5. They shouldn’t speak loudly in the library.
  6. You should drink water regularly to stay hydrated.
  7. We shouldn’t forget to thank our hosts for the dinner.
  8. I shouldn’t spend too much time on my phone.
  9. He should take an umbrella. It looks like it might rain.
  10. You should always be kind to others.


➡️ Exercice suivant : 



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