Exercice d’anglais 6ème – Formuler des Questions

Exercice d’anglais 6ème – Formuler des Questions

Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Objectif : Apprendre à formuler des questions en anglais en utilisant les auxiliaires appropriés (do, does, is, are, etc.).

Complétez les phrases suivantes pour former des questions correctes.

  1. you like pizza?
  2. she play the piano?
  3. Where they live?
  4. What time the movie start?
  5. it raining outside?
  6. we going to the park today?
  7. Who your best friend?
  8. he have a pet?
  9. Why they late for school?
  10. How you feel today?


  1. Do you like pizza?
  2. Does she play the piano?
  3. Where do they live?
  4. What time does the movie start?
  5. Is it raining outside?
  6. Are we going to the park today?
  7. Who is your best friend?
  8. Does he have a pet?
  9. Why are they late for school?
  10. How do you feel today?

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