Les adjectifs possessifs en anglais • Exercices niveau 6ème
Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.
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Exercice 1 : Complétez les Phrases
Complétez les phrases suivantes avec l’adjectif possessif correct (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
1. This is (I) pencil.
2. She loves (she) new dress.
3. They are playing with (they) friends.
4. He forgot (he) homework.
5. We have a dog. (we) dog is very friendly.
6. The cat is drinking (it) milk.
7. (you) brother is very tall.
8. John and Mary are showing (they) project.
9. I need to find (I) keys.
10. She is reading (she) favorite book.
Exercice 2 : Choisissez la Bonne Réponse
Choisissez l’adjectif possessif correct pour compléter chaque phrase.
1. I have a bike. (My/His) bike is red.
2. Sarah has a hat. (Her/Their) hat is blue.
3. We have a car. (Our/Its) car is new.
4. The dog is wagging (his/its) tail.
5. You have a beautiful house. (Your/Their) house is big.
6. He lost (her/his) wallet.
7. The children are eating (their/its) lunch.
8. I need to wash (my/our) hands.
9. She is proud of (her/his) work.
10. They love (your/their) school.