Les verbes d’action en anglais – Eval en ligne

Les verbes d’action en anglais – Eval en ligne

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases avec le bon verbe:

1 – I like to  soccer.

2 – My dad  wine during dinner.

3 – She   a nice song.

4 – I want to  a pizza.

5 – Sam likes to  books.

6 – He  in the lake every day.

7 – I need to  flowers for my mother.

8 – Tina doesn’t want to  her room.

9 – Kevin  on the couch every night.

10 – I am too fat, I need to !

1 – I like to play soccer.

2 – My dad drinks wine during dinner.

3 – She sings a nice song.

4 – I want to eat a pizza.

5 – Sam likes to read books.

6 – He swims in the lake every day.

7 – I need to buy flowers for my mother.

8 – Tina doesn’t want to clean her room.

9 – Kevin sleeps on the couch every night.

10 – I am too fat, I need to work out!

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