donner des ordres en anglais

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Utilisez shall we? ou will you? à la fin de chaque phrase pour les rendre plus polis:


Bring me a cup of coffee. → Bring me a cup of coffee, will you?
Let’s go. → Let’s go, shall we?

  1. Pass me the salt. → Pass me the salt, 
  2. Let’s forget about it. → Let’s forget about it, 
  3. Let’s think about it. → Let’s think about it, 
  4. Be kind to your sister. → Be kind to your sister, 
  5. Let’s have a break. → Let’s have a break, 
  6. Take the car to the garage. → Take the car to the garage, 
  7. Turn on the light. → Turn on the light, 
  8. Let’s dance. → Let’s dance, 
  9. Don’t look at me like that. → Don’t look at me like that, 
  10. Let’s start now. → Let’s start now, 

  1. Pass me the salt, will you?
  2. Let’s forget about it, shall we?
  3. Let’s think about it, shall we?
  4. Be kind to your sister, will you?
  5. Let’s have a break, shall we?
  6. Take the car to the garage, will you?
  7. Turn on the light, will you?
  8. Let’s dance, shall we?
  9. Don’t look at me like that, will you?
  10. Let’s start now, shall we?

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