Exercice sur le superlatif et comparatif en anglais

Exercice sur le superlatif et le comparatif en anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la forme appropriée de superlatif ou comparatif: 

1 – A shark is ______ than a dolphin.
 more dangerous
 most dangerous

2 – Tina is ______ than her sister.

3 – The koala is the ______ animal in the zoo.

4 – Tom is as ______ as Paul.
 more intelligent
 most intelligent

5 – The rabbit is ______ than the hamster.

6 – Everyone in our family sings beautifully, but my sister is the ______ singer.

7 – His cousin is as ______ as my father.

8 – The taxi is ______ than the bus.

9 – There are many cheap things in that shop, but pasta are the ______ thing.

10 – Tina is ______ than Sarah.
 more careful
 most careful

11 – All the boys are bad, but kevin is the ______.

12 – There are many exciting cities, but Tokyo is the ______ city in the world.
 more exciting
 most exciting


  1. more dangerous
  2. younger
  3. the smallest
  4. as intelligent
  5. larger
  6. the best
  7. as old as
  8. worse
  9. the cheapest
  10. more careful
  11. the worst
  12. the most exciting

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