Exercice conjugaison anglais

Exercice conjugaison anglais: le futur

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Choisissez la bonne réponse: 

  1. The bus  at 9:20.
  2. Wait! I  you.
  3. As we want to improve in Math, we  harder in the future.
  4. Sam  to the party with his friends tonight.
  5. I am afraid they  everything by the time we arrive.

  1. The bus arrives at 9:20.
  2. Wait! I will help you.
  3. As we want to improve in Math, we are going to study harder in the future.
  4. Sam is going to the party with his friends tonight.
  5. I am afraid they will have eaten everything by the time we arrive.

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